
No matter how different the latest financial frenzy or crisis always appears, there are usually remarkable similarities with past experience from other countries and from history. Recognizing these analogies and precedents is an essential step toward improving our global financial system, both to reduce the risk of future crisis and to better handle catastrophes when they happen.

Our goal is to do just that. We're building the platform that will show you both statistically, and visually, the similarities and differences between all the major financial crisis going back to 1970. If that's not far enough for you, don't worry, it isn't for us either. That's why as soon as we get access to data going back as far as the data itself goes, we'll make it available to everyone. In the meantime, we're building a solution for you to upload your own data if you're not too keen on waiting for us to get all the data we desire.

Speacial Note:

If you find yourself struggling to keep up with some of the technical jargon, please note, this site is designed to accommodate users of all backgrounds and skill levels. That being said, if you are a student, new to the industry, or just curious about our platform, all of our tests and features require no technical expertise, all you have to do is click run to begin using our services. Expertly curated presets have already been selected for those looking to get started right away. Please enjoy, and let us know what we can do better.

With This Platform:

  • You will be able to select any market, asset, or indicator, as the basis of your research, and if we don't provide it, you'll be able to add it yourself.
  • You will be able to customize:
    • The assets you would like to analyze as a group
    • The major events you would like to highlight
    • How cycles are calculated
    • When a cycle starts, stops, peaks, and bottoms
    • What assets, markets, and indicators performance should be tracked during each of the cycles phases
    • And so much more...

Charts & Visual Tools

Everything View

Our custom visual tools make it easier for you to:

  • Gauge the overall direction of the market
  • Verify trends quickly and conveniently using our Week-Month chart extension
  • Compare different assets side by side using our Environment chart feature
  • Chart moving averages and other technical indicators and toggle them on and off across multiple charts simultaneously
  • Determine where key support and resistance levels are
  • Do one or more of these simultaneously to get an in-depth overview of several markets at once
  • Additionally During Cycle Phases:
    • COMING SOON: View Sector and Industry Rotation Charts
    • COMING SOON: View multiple maturities on a single yield curve chart, and compare the differences between curves at the begging and end of each cycle phase
Everything View

Potential Use Cases

We believe that there are many ways users can benefit from our platform. These are just a few of them:

  • As a tool for academics to study different recessions and stock market crashes
  • As a way for professionals to assess their position in the current market and economic cycle by comparing it to past cycles and their historical outcomes.
  • As a way for professionals to communicate to clients their perspective on the current landscape by drawing parallels from historical periods.
  • As a way for students and those new to the industry to learn about economics, markets, technical and intermarket principals in an engaging and interactive way. Instead of traditionally learning through text, pictures, and diagrams in a textbook, they can interact with charts, data, and checkout every aspect of an event, recession, era, etc..
  • As a tool for financial and economic forecasting